
Welcome to the Cambridgeshire Badminton Association (Cambs BA), a County association affiliated to Badminton England.

Cambridgeshire Badminton Association is dedicated to the development and promotion of badminton throughout the whole of Cambridgeshire.  The county consists of around 30 affiliated clubs as well as hosting Junior, Senior and Masters teams playing in the Inter-County Championships.

This web site is designed to enable Cambridgeshire Badminton Association to promote badminton through providing news and information on local, County and national badminton. Please visit this web site regularly to keep abreast of all the latest developments.

Cambs Disability Badminton Festival 19 September


On 19th September, to celebrate the incredible success of the GB Paralympic Badminton squad there was a Disability Badminton Festival held at Trumpington Sports Centre.

This event was supported by Cambridgeshire Badminton Association, Badminton England and led by Philip Gray - Head Coach of Aspire Badminton Club and County Coaching Co-ordinator.

The Disability Badminton Festival was a fun-filled day of skill-based activities and on-court games.

The event had 30 people attend, including Julie Pike from Badminton England. Most attendees had learning disabilities, some had autism, Aspergers, and/or ADHD, and two were physically disabled.


Cambridge Disability Festival: 19th September 2021


To celebrate the incredible success of the GB Paralympic Badminton squad (a silver and a bronze!) our local badminton clubs and coaches are hosting a disability badminton festival.

This festival provides the opportunity for all disabled people to get involved so why not try a new sport? Or if you have experienced badminton previously, it’s time to get back on court!

The Disability Badminton Festival can be enjoyed by all and promises to be a fun-filled day of skill-based activities and on-court games.

The festival is at Trumpington Sports Centre 12:30-3:30pm on 19th September.

Sign up now!

This is part of a programme of events across the country.

South Cambs League : Volunteer required and AGM

The South Cambs League AGM will take place on the 19th August at 8pm via Zoom - link to be circulated shortly.

As we return to play, getting the league back up and running will require some effort, and new volunteers are needed. The league requires people for Secretary, Web and to manage results. There are possible offers for the first two, but someone is still required to manage results. If that post is not filled, it might not be possible to have league matches.

If anyone is interested, please contact Sandra ( or attend the AGM.

Cambs junior training restarting 15th April

We are delighted to announce that Cambridgeshire Badminton Association will restart junior training following the most recent pandemic lockdown period, starting on 15th April 2021.

The session on 15th April will begin with a wider age group of players of the ages approximately 14 years old and below. The age groups and sessions will be a little more flexible for the first few weeks as these sessions get re-established, and we are able to determine which players are still interested and available to represent the Cambridgeshire region, and encourage new players to try out for the various squads.

The sessions will now run twice a week depending on age group, with sessions on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesdays will be at Northstowe from 7:45pm (location and time still subject to final confirmation), whilst Thursdays will remain at Swavesey Village College starting at 6:40pm.

To begin with, sessions will be pay-as-you-play until the programme is established. For safety reasons, attendance must be strictly monitored, so please do not attend unless you have booked a place beforehand.

Open trials sessions will be held in April and May. If you are a parent or guardian, or a coach, of a player who is 16 or under who is not currently a County player, but who you think is capable of competing for a place or shows the potential to do so, please contact to arrange to attend.

More details and a full schedule for the sessions are available on the Junior Squads page.

Fun Tournament November 2019

Another Cambridgeshire Fun Tournament run by Cambs Schools Badminton Association was held in November.

The following players were successful:


  • U11 Boys: Santhosh Anchi (St Neots)

  • U13 Boys: Ted Stephenson (Ely Big Shots)

  • U15 Boys: Alexander Hsieh

  • U11 Girls: Lotte Fagerlund (Swavesey)

  • U13 Girls: Mai Li (Swavesey)

  • U15 Girls: Stephanie Faulkner (Ely Big Shots)


  • U11 Boys: Santhosh Anchie/Krish Vishal (St neots)

  • U13 Boys: Zach Chung/Matthew Iddison (Ramsey)

  • U15 Boys: Alexander Hsieh/Tomos Jenkins

  • U11 Girls: Evelyn Fisher (Ramsey)/Lotte Fagerlund (Swavesey)

  • U13 Girls: Kiera Plumb/Kasuma Anchi (St Neots)

  • U15 Girls: Holly Innes/Lillie Kastner (Aspire)

Many congratulations to the winners, and everyone who took part.

Photographs of the winners are available in the Gallery.

Cambs U16 team triumph against Herts 2


Excellent news from the Cambs U16 junior squad, who played Herts 2 on 10th November, and came out 14-6 winners 😁🏸💪💪👍

Many congratulations to the squad, and to Team Manager Perveez for guiding the team this season.

This is a great result for our juniors, as we work hard through the new Pathfinder Project to give them a more systematised training programme this season. It also shows that the various coaches in the County committed to bringing on our youngsters are having a real impact.

More photographs are available in the Gallery.

Cambridgeshire Bronze 13 July 2019


In a fantastic festival of badminton, on Saturday 13th July Cambridgeshire Badminton Association hosted a Bronze tournament on the Badminton England National Circuit at the University of Cambridge Sports Center.

With a huge entry of 166 players from around the Country, the tournament was highly competitive.

Starting preparations at 8am, and going all the way through to the last match of the day - the men’s doubles final - just after 11pm, it was a long and exhausting day. By the end, 175 competitive matches had been played.

Photographs of the finalists are available in the Gallery, and they were:

Mens Singles

Winner: Syed Masood

Runner up: Thomas Macrae

Womens Singles

Winner: Holly Smith

Runner up: Kacy Chou

Mens Doubles

Winners: Zhi Lun Ng & Abid Sultan

Runners up: Paul Andrew Mayfield & Phil Sunderland

Womens doubles

Winners: Alicia Chu & Yoongeun Kwon

Runners up: Jenny Crump & Natalie Taylor

Mixed doubles

Winners: Zhi Lun Ng & Annabel Hong

Runners up: Phil Sunderland & Suzanne Brewer

For full results see Tournament Software.

Many congratulations and thanks, especially to Cambs’ Tournament Secretary Neil Place who put in so much effort in setting up and administering the tournament before the day, and so professionally managing the event on the day itself. Also great thanks go to the rest of the team who helped keep things running so smoothly on the day: Louise Place, Natalie Taylor and James Wilson.