
Welcome to the Cambridgeshire Badminton Association (Cambs BA), a County association affiliated to Badminton England.

Cambridgeshire Badminton Association is dedicated to the development and promotion of badminton throughout the whole of Cambridgeshire.  The county consists of around 30 affiliated clubs as well as hosting Junior, Senior and Masters teams playing in the Inter-County Championships.

This web site is designed to enable Cambridgeshire Badminton Association to promote badminton through providing news and information on local, County and national badminton. Please visit this web site regularly to keep abreast of all the latest developments.

Badminton England Members Forum: 9 October


Calling all badminton players... If you want to hear what Badminton England are up to, you are all invited to a members forum in Cambridge on 9 Oct 7pm-9.30pm, at the Gonville Hotel, Cambridge (with Jim Mann (Board Director) / Adrian Christy (Chief Executive).

"Whether you are a player, coach, volunteer, official, parent of our younger players club member or a fan of badminton, we would love to see you at one of our Member and Fan Forums."

The Forums aim to:

  • Develop and maintain an open, honest and constructive dialogue between members / players / fans / volunteers and the leadership at Badminton England
  • Develop a better understanding of issues in badminton that affect you, whether they be locally or nationally
  • Provide an opportunity for Badminton England to better inform members / players / fans / volunteers
  • Provide an opportunity for Badminton England to discuss new ideas and test our thinking
  • To develop a meaningful, and regular, communication channel with you

For more information:


Badminton England seeks to attract 1,000 more women and girls into coaching by 2021


Following Badminton England’s recently published commitment to improving diversity, this initiative addresses the gender imbalance and lack of women and girls playing the sport at a recreational level and the depth of talent along our performance pathway. Badminton England also hopes this initiative will increase the number of female role models within coaching with the aim to attract, retain and develop more women and girls in badminton from an earlier age. 

Currently women make up 35% of UKCC Level 1 learners, 32% of UKCC Level 2 learners and 29% of UKCC Level 3 learners, whilst overall accounting for 30% of all accredited badminton coaches. Whilst these figures are above the UK average figure of 17%, this initiative will further increase the percentage of women and girls qualifying through our coach education system and working with players of all ages and abilities across the country.

Central to the new initiative will be:

  • Bursaries to support women pursuing their coaching qualifications at grassroots level
  • A programme to identify, support and nurture female coaches to support and position female coaches throughout our talent pathway
  • Developing female coaches to be ‘performance ready’ to join our national coaching team
  • Identifying and supporting women coaches to deliver Women and Girls Academies and develop their coaching skills
  • A review of our coach education delivery, ensuring an improved coach education provision and learning experience for women
  • A mentorship scheme to support women coaches across the sport

More information will be released in due course however as we start to shape this initiative, Badminton England is keen to hear from female coaches who are willing to share their experiences; what has worked well for you and what can be improved.

Badminton England would also be interested to hear from women who are thinking of becoming a coach or improving their coaching knowledge and experience. Whether your interest is at grass roots level or working within our talent pathway, we would love to hear from you so please contact

Local coaching courses

We are delighted that there will be two coaching courses in the Cambs region in the near future.

Level 1

Venue: One Leisure Huntingdon, St Peters Rd, Huntingdon PE29 7DA
Dates: 13/01/2018, 14/01/2018 & 20/01/2018
Price: £225 / £215 for BE members
Booking Link
Booking Deadline:  15/12/2017

Level 2

Venue: One Leisure Huntingdon, St Peters Rd, Huntingdon PE29 7DA
Dates: 10/03/2018, 11/03/2018, 14/04/2018 & 12/05/2018
Price: £380 / £370 for BE members / £355 for registered coach
Booking Link
Booking Deadline: 09/02/2018

Don't forget that Cambridgeshire Badminton Association will offer bursaries to coaches who can demonstrate that they will be coaching in the area.

Female only badminton / Junior junior coaching sessions



Aspire Badminton Club is looking at setting up a female-only badminton coaching session.  Based at the new Trumpington Community College, they would like anyone interested to contact them at

Download the poster for more information.

Aspire is also starting a new Saturday session from 30 September.  Saturdays will now have sessions at 1.30-2.30pm and 2.30-3.30pm.  For more information see or email Head Coach Philip at

County Selection Trials: 24th September

Cambridge County Badminton run 3 Senior County teams who are selected from a squad of players each year. All 3 teams play in the Badminton England Inter-Counties League.

Cambridgeshire Ists: Division 2 - Central
Cambridgeshire IInds: Division 3 - Central
Cambridgeshire IIIrds: Division 4 - East 

Cambridgeshire County Badminton Trials will be held at the University of Cambridge Sports Centre on the 24th September 2017.

Trials will be run at various times between 2pm and 6pm. If you are affiliated to Badminton England, eligible to represent the County, and would like to attend, please email who will confirm your place and send you your trial time.

A Facebook event is available at:

Inclusive Badminton Festival: 10am to 2pm on Saturday 23rd Sept


Power2Inspire are running an Inclusive Badminton Festival from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 23rd Sept at Cambridge University Sports Centre.

Aspire Badminton Club will be taking a couple of wheelchairs along and will be providing some coaching to disabled players.

Anyone who would like to help out would be very appreciated. (You can contact Philip the Coaching Coordinator at

If you would like to know more about disability badminton then do please come along. You could even try wheelchair badminton - you don't need to be disabled to try it.

Cambridgeshire hosts Senior Bronze and Masters Silver tournaments

This summer the County hosted two major Badminton England sanctioned national tournaments.

On 8th July, the Cambridgeshire Senior Bronze saw a record entry, with most disciplines heavily over subscribed.  For more details and full results, see

On 5th and 6th August, it was the turn of the Masters, with the first ever East of England Masters Silver tournament.  For more details and full results see

For pictures of the winners and runners up, see the Gallery pages.