
Welcome to the Cambridgeshire Badminton Association (Cambs BA), a County association affiliated to Badminton England.

Cambridgeshire Badminton Association is dedicated to the development and promotion of badminton throughout the whole of Cambridgeshire.  The county consists of around 30 affiliated clubs as well as hosting Junior, Senior and Masters teams playing in the Inter-County Championships.

This web site is designed to enable Cambridgeshire Badminton Association to promote badminton through providing news and information on local, County and national badminton. Please visit this web site regularly to keep abreast of all the latest developments.

Additional Post-Restricted County Trials

If you are interested in playing County badminton this year then get your pencil and diary out.

Sunday 5th October 1-4 at CRC we will be running a county teams trial to provide an opportunity for people to put themselves forward for potential county selection and provide a chance to identify potential for the future.

To help with planning, please reply to by Friday 26th September to let us know that you will be attending.  Also, if you have friends or club colleagues that you think would be interested then sign them up as well. Please don't just turn up on the day as we aim to plan the fixtures in advance.

Please note, if there is insufficient interest (less that 15 respondents) we will cancel the event; alternatively, if we are inundated we'll split the trials session up to allow for a pre-selection phase.

All the best

on behalf of the Selection Committee

Restricted (players) Tournament Times

Just for information, the Restricted start times are as follows:

Mens singles : Saturday 12:00 for 12:30 start

Ladies singles : Saturday 2:30 for a 3:00 start

Mixed doubles : Sunday 9:30 for a 10:00 start

Level doubles : 12:30 for a 1:00 start

Looking forward to some excellent badminton! 

Restricted Entries Closing 18 September

A quick encouragement to anyone planning on entering the County Players (Restricted) Tournament this year.

This is the first year where entries for the tournament has been run through Badminton England's Tournament Software system.  This provides a great number of benefits, but requires that each user has their individual login, based on their Badminton England registration number.

(Please note that your user ID for Tournament Software should be your BE number, prefixed with "beuk", so eg. "beuk100226").

As entries have begun, it has become apparent that a small minority of people are having problems - either because they have mislaid their membership number, or because they are not actually registered through BE for some reason.

If you are planning on entering the Restricted, please get your applications in AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  The closing date of midnight on 18th September is ABSOLUTE, because the Tournament Secretary Neil Place needs to make the draw on 19th before he leaves for the European Championships in Portugal.  This means if you have any problems with your registration, if you have left it to the last minute it WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE to sort them out and you will not be included in the draw.

To avoid disappointment, please act now and complete your entries.

If you have problems, or questions about your registration, please contact County Registration Secretary Louise Tarbit at

Cambs Players (Restricted) Tournament Entries Open

Cambridgeshire Badminton Association are pleased to announce that entries for the Cambridgeshire Players (Restricted) Tournament for 2014 are now open for submission.

For the first time this year, entries are online via the Badminton England Tournament Software system:

Please note that to try to encourage entries into the ladies singles competition, the entry fee has been reduced to only £4 this year.

This keenly anticipated tournament is the official opening of the County season around the Country.  Players from all over Cambridgeshire are encouraged to participate. 

If you are on Facebook and planning on playing the Tournament, then there are two events to register with:

Play well everyone, and have a great time! 

Cambs Trio to Represent England at European Senior Championships

Daniel Bates and Neil Place at the BWF World Masters Championships

Daniel Bates and Neil Place at the BWF World Masters Championships

Cambridgeshire players Daniel Bates, Olga Bryant and Neil Place have all been selected to represent England in the Badminton Europe 2014 European Senior Championships in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal from 21-27 September.

The trio return to England action following their appearances at the BWF World Senior Championships in Turkey last September, at which Daniel and Neil reached the quarter finals for O35 Mens Doubles, and Olga secured a bronze medal with a semi-final finish in the O40 Mixed.

Olga also represented England at the European Championships two years ago, when she travelled to Sofia in Bulgaria and won a silver medal in the O40 ladies doubles.

Cambridgeshire Badminton wishes them every success!

Battle Badminton

Places are still available for Battle Badminton this summer.

Badminton England has opened up 10,000 free places for this brand new, innovative social badminton initiative aimed at the 1.9 million players who make up the casual badminton audience.

Places are still available for badminton players and sports fans nationwide wishing to get involved.

Battle Badminton takes social badminton to the next level, letting users find new players (aged 18+) to play and issue and accept challenges to ‘battle’ it out for pride on court  in singles or doubles matches.

Players decide how, when and where to play and can even set their own rules and scoring system, if both agree.

Battle Badminton players earn points each time they get on court. New local and national leaderboards mean players can rise through the Battle Badminton ranks. Users can also create their own leaderboards, amongst friends, in workplaces, universities, or sports teams.

There are 9 Battle Badminton ‘status’ levels to achieve. 

Sign up to Battle Badminton also includes free Club England Social annual membership (usually £5).  This provides insurance cover to play Battle Badminton matches and enjoy pay and play court time in leisure centres (but excludes club league, county competition or circuit tournament match play).

Join for FREE at